Tuesday 7 November 2017

Goal 16 “Peace, Justice and strong institution”

Goal 16 “Peace, Justice and strong institution” includes the resolution of conflicts without using violence. In the IES Clara Campoamor we have a group of mediation to avoid problems with others by helping each other.
The objectives are to avoid conflicts, listen to the problems of others, to talk to each other. The mediator proposes solutions so that it does not happen again.
Who can be a mediator?
All the students can be a mediators, but it is necessary go to do formation. We are formed about bullying, of gender violence, how to solve problems for students… etc.
In addition, we are going to start a mentor program to be more supportive with others, to help other people with their problems in class, in different subjects.
Being a tutor isn`t only about helping others, it definitely helps us too, like a chain of favors.
The people that participates in this program has been taught to empathize with other students and have done activities, like writing sentences to motivate others, like “ go on , you are strong” and to recognize also sentences that can demotivate like “you are a waste of time”.

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